Saturday, September 4, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Obama's Job Approval

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

On August 16-17, Obama's job approval was at 41/52. Today he's at 47/45. (Source: Daily Kos).

Favorite comment on that entry:

Has anyone investigated the phenomenon of posting-for-pay? I have heard that right-wing "think" tanks hire people to post. It's amazing how many opposing messages appear instantly in the Comments section of every single liberal blog site. And what makes many of them so suspicious is that there are so many words spelled correctly. Until a few years ago, every right-wing post was ungrammatical and all caps.
We know that Rove and his minions are using viral emails to spread disinformation. It's a great Astro-turf tool, and it's free and insidious.
But the posts by right-wingers and right-wingers posing as liberals have metastasized on liberal blog sites. There can't really be that many shitheads around. If so, we're in real trouble.

As for BWD's diary, did we become so cynical after eight years of the sociopaths Bush, Rove and Cheney that when we finally have an honest president who keeps his promises despite incredible opposition we can't give him credit?

These photos brought tears to my eyes. If not for Obama, many of these homecomings might never have happened. These sons and daughters might never have seen their fathers and mothers again. And if you think that's cornball and rah-rah, I hope you never find yourself or your loved ones in a similar situation.

by My Left Behind on Wed Sep 01, 2010 at 05:43:51 PM PDT

Glenny's Party

Cartoons from The Week

Thou Salt Not Let People Be Free As Long As They Don't Agree With You

Let's not pass judgment on this incident just yet, says Doug Mataconis at Outside the Beltway. But we can pass judgment on the people who have been poisoning the public discourse with their "anti-mosque rhetoric" recently.

Source: The Week